Welcome to Early Years

Thank you for your interest in Early Years at Waterfield.

At Waterfield, we understand that effective Early Years Education provides the foundations for later success for children. We believe a child’s Early Years are precious and should be filled with opportunities to develop personally, socially, emotionally and academically.

As such, we value each unique child and work closely with families to ensure children receive an education that is tailored to their specific needs.

We hold in a firm believe in parents as Co-Educators – a place in our Pre-School (Nursery for children aged 3+) or Reception will result in a collaborative learning journey between home and school.

Our School Community Values underpin our child-centred ethos.

We believe that through the teaching of hard work, kindness and respect – by respecting ourselves, each other and our environment, that we deliver an inclusive and caring atmosphere conducive to academic success, ultimately providing exceptional education for all children in preschool and reception. 

Please explore our website and get ready to start your seven year journey at Waterfield, where we will all ‘Aim Higher and Achieve our Best’.

Warmest Regards

Miss Newman – Assistant Principal – Early Years Department

Our Early Years Department is now accepting Admissions for Reception September

We also have places in our current Reception Classes – so do feel free to explore and contact our Office to transfer to our wonderful provision.

We are delighted to offer 15hr and 30hr places (for those who qualify) in our TEACHER LED NURSERY – which we often call our Pre-School.

During the current pandemic we are able to offer after school small tours of our facilities. Please contact us at Office@waterfield.org.uk.