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Selsdon Education Partnership
This partnership was originally formed in 2011 by the four primary schools. It’s raison d’etre is to enhance the learning opportunities for the pupils attending the schools. This partnership has the full backing of the Local Authority.
In the summer of 2012 Quest Academy and John Ruskin 6th Form College joined the partnership. Woodlands is the Children’s Centre based within Gilbert Scott that serves the area within which all the schools and college are situated.
Since its inception the staff in each of the primary schools have met on a regular basis to plan activities between the parallel year groups. These include joint activities, visitors to school, pen pals etc. The staff have also visited each others schools to share priorities and to gain ideas to further their practice and the delivery of a wide and varied curriculum.
The Head Teacher and Chairs of Governors meet half Termly. The school councils of each school have met under the guidance and support of Quest pupils. From this meeting a list of potential activities was created.
The four primary schools have each delivered a series of sessions for pupils identified as gifted and talented. Forestdale hosted sessions for drama, Courtwood – claywork, Gilbert Scott – ICT and Red Gates – communication for all. From September 2012 the secondary and college are using their facilities to develop this, with a CSI style investigation being held at John Ruskin and science and food technology at Quest Academy.
The primary schools held a 5 day Olympic event during the summer of 2012. On the Monday the SEP Olympic torch was moved from school to school and the ‘cauldron’ was lit at Gilbert Scott. On the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday two year groups took part in races and activities that were suitable for all participants, assisted by students from Quest Academy. On the Friday a closing ceremony was held at each of the schools. The feedback from the children (and staff) regarding this event has been tremendous, with them unanimously wanting to repeat the event.
The idea of the SEP came from the four primary head teachers huddling in a corner whilst on a residential course. What it now delivers has exceeded our wildest dreams. The staff have taken the idea from us and it has developed into a magnificent creature that enhances pupils’ learning and opportunities in all of the educational establishments within the partnership.