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Curriculum - EYFS
As an Early Adopter School, we ensure that children in the Early Years at Waterfield have the opportunity to access new ideas, initiatives and frameworks sooner, rather than later. For September 2020 and beyond this means children in our Preschool and Reception experience the new Government Curriculum Framework before it is made mandatory in September 2021. This has the advantage that children in our Preschool will be better prepared for their Reception year and that current children in Reception will have the benefit of working towards new Early Learning Goals better aligned to the National Curriculum in Year 1 – allowing for a smooth transition to Lower school upon completion of their time within our Early Years Department.
During their time in Early Years at Waterfield the children benefit from a personalised curriculum with opportunities to follow their own interests and fascinations. Alongside this, children in the Early Years benefit from additional curriculum and educational opportunities, designed and contextualised specifically for the development of children in our locality. At Waterfield we aim to ensure all children have access to the very best education; to varied opportunities to enhance their learning; and access to quality first teaching that supports each and every child to achieve their best in an inclusive and supportive environment.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework sets the standard for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. The framework details seven areas of learning that informs the Early Years curriculum for preschool and reception aged children at Waterfield.
The Framework recognises three key areas of learning and development, called ‘prime areas’ that provide the foundation for successful future development. The ‘Prime Areas’ are ‘Personal, Social & Emotional Development’, ‘Physical Development’ and ‘Communication & Language’. The ‘Specific Areas’ are ‘Literacy’, ‘Mathematics’, ‘Understanding the World’ and ‘Expressive Arts & Design’.
Children in the Early Years at Waterfield are supported to progress across the framework and curriculum in each of the Prime and Specific areas of learning.